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Diseñan un robot para ayudar a los bomberos - UAM
Diseñan un robot para ayudar a los bomberos - URJC
Universidades madrileñas crean un robot bombero - Telemadrid
Diseñan un robot para dar a los bomberos datos que ayuden en sus rescates - La Vanguardia
Investigadores de la UAM y la URJC diseñan un robot para ayudar a los bomberos - Madrid24horas
Hey man, look at me rockin' out, I'm on the radio! Today, I have been invited to talk about my research on robot learning on the Onda Cero Madrid Norte radio. I want to thank Iván Narváez from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Sonia Crespo from Onda Cero Madrid Norte for this opportunity. Here you can see the video of the interview:
This week I had the opportunity to teach the video game workshop at the Campus Engineering Girl 2022. The "Quiero Ser Ingeniera" project of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid searches to promote engineering among girls. You can find more information on the website and Instagram of the project. And here you can see some of the video games developed by the girls on the campus!
The fourth video is out! This video describes the models (neural networks) and training (reinforcement learning) used by the robot to learn its tasks. Don't miss it!
The third video of my project "Training robots for intervening in dangerous environments: development and application of reinforcement learning models" granted by a Leonardo Fellowship of the BBVA Foundation is out! This video shows the simulator developed to train the artificial intelligence models that control the robot in its mission.